Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ's from customers.

How Long Will It Take to Get My Order Delivered?

3-7 business days on average. US shipping and most international countries deliver fast. Some international countries may take longer processing and handling depending on the regions logistics.

How Long Does It Take to Ship My Order After I Purchased?

Immediately 1-2 days. As soon as you place an order our system automatically starts processing and handling to get your package out fast.

What Forms of Payment Do We Accept?

Just about every type. Every kind of credit card Visa, MasterCard, Discover, etc. We also accept other forms such as Google Pay, Apple Pay and Paypal.

What If The Clothing or Cosplay Outfit I Bought Doesn't Fit?

Not to worry! 100% return refund guarantee if your clothing item doesn't fit properly. All apparel items have a corresponding sizing chart so please use them for proper clothing measurements.


Do We Allow Returns?

Yes! If your order is damaged or wrong for some reason we accept 100% return refunds. We just ask that you send the item back to us and we reimburse you completely.


Where Are We Located?

We have multiple warehouse distribution centers around the world to deliver the best shipping results. United States, Asia, Europe, Australia. When ordering pick the closest "Ship From" option for you.


Do We Do Sponsorships?

For some select influencers who we think can represent our brand well we do give sponsorship opportunities! Please email our team to apply.


Do We Have Discounts or Special Sale Events?

Yes we have special sale events! Be prepared when the discounts happen... they won't last long! Stay tuned on our Instagram and subscribe to our emails to know whenever they happen. Also for making it all the way here use special code "FAQ" to discount your entire order ;)